Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Two Piece Mix (Gitme Turnam Gitme and Gine Dertli Dertli)

This is a mix of two pieces from the "aşık" tradition, originally used in ceremonial or ritualistic gatherings. Today, they are among the classical pieces in "türkü" genre. The first piece, Gitme Turnam Gitme (a.k.a. Kirklar Semahi) is from Erzincan region of Turkey, whereas the second, Gine Dertli Dertli, is from the Sivas region. Both of these regions are known for their unusually prolific contributions to the Turkish folk music.

The first piece was compiled by Adnan Ataman as heard from the master Aşık Ismail Daimi. The lyrics are to be considered as from anonymous sources. The second piece is compiled by Nida Tufekci, citing Mahmut Erdal as the source, with lyrics attributed to Karacoglan (see my post: Green Headed Duck). In both cases, the melodies are from anonymous sources.

These pieces are so similar in style and melody that many people are confused as to which one is which, including me at one time. As if to strike an irony, in 1970s Zulfu Livaneli presented a mix of these, in both lyrics and melody, as one piece, which was well accepted at that time. The following translation is based on that mix and it is only partial.


Here is the original (as I remember) as arranged by Zulfu Livaneli
Gitme turnam gitme nerden gelirsin?
Sen nazlı canana benzersin turnam
Her bakışta beni mecnun edersin
Tabibe Lokman'a benzersin turnam.

Pir balım sultana benzersin turnam
Yürü turnam yürü canana yürü
Allı da turnam telli de turnam
Bir gözleri sürmeli.

Havayı ey deli gönül havayı
Biz kız katarlamış da atı deveyi
Ay doğmadan şavkı tuttu ovayı
Yürüyelim yürüyelim, şimden sonra dost belli.

Hey dost, hey dost
Geçip gider, geçip gider, bir gözleri sürmeli.

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